Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Past Week

So. . .here's a little update

-I've reconnected with an old friend who I feel is similiarly spirited.
-I got a Christmas present on August 1st. Apparently the girl forgot to give it to me back in December and when she was moving out of her apartment, she found it in her closet. I laughed so hard. It was pretty great.
-I've realized that the bad and good aspect of relationships make you better if you're open to it.
-I analysed a friend's dream the best I could.
-I drank wine from Finland with a good friend who made me laugh so much I couldn't breath. (Sounds horrible, but it was soo good.)
-I sang "At Last" by Etta James with that same friend at the top of my lungs and didn't care if it sounded good or not.
-I got a $25 gift certificate to Target and a free pizza. Score!
-I saw "Funny People" and had good conversation with my friend Ryan.
-I discovered something disconcerting about one of my best friends.
-I finished my Anne Lamott book "Plan B--Further Thoughts on Faith"
-I wrote some really raw, honest, cut like a razor poetry and it felt really really good.
-I actually got to lay out for the first time in about two weeks
-I received a beautiful handmade postcard in the mail.
-I'm going to meet my mom (and possibly my sister) in NY at the end of the month
-I'm trying to plan a trip to St. Augustine/Jax soon.
-I feel strong in every way

That's all I got for now. . .to be continued. I guess the week . . ."ain't over yet" :)

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