Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Joys of my life, as of late

Good, wonderful, amazing, joyful things in my life.
In no particular order:

1) Long, kinetic, rich, (arms waving) animated, truthful conversations with Nicole on my couch which last for hours. (She's one of my most cherished friends who lives 8 hours away and I only get to see her like 5 times a year, so I take advantage of every minute I have with her.) She came over last night. . .
Best quotes of the night from her: "Wow, this is like a Five Star hotel, Shan. . .wine, dessert, strawberries brought to me. . .I don't even know what to say."
(How she were to describe me if talking to someone else): "Shanon is one of the most unique people I know. She's introspective, creative, has cute style, so talented and the best writer I know.". . . " (aww)
(Said in an excited/fast Nicole talking style): "I think you need to be around someone (a person) who is more structured than you. . .not that you're NOT a capable human being, obviously I mean you have an apartment and you're like here and stuff. . .but you know, someone or people less "freeish" than you." HAHA. (insert Shanon laughing. I'm glad you recognize me as a functioning, capable human, Nic!" I love you for even saying that.
So, it was a great time with her. I admire her more than anyone and she's gonna be back in a few weeks. WOW! Twice in one month. Miraculous. hehe. :0 She brings me joy.

2) Hanging out with my friend Ryan. . . . . .There is so much to say. Contrary to the fact that one night I told him that he should maybe consider doing stand-up comedy because he is "kinda funny" (I actually said "kinda" --talk about a half ass compliment), in actuality, I think he is one of ,if not THE funniest person I've ever met. . .so I've been choking on that comment of mine ever since. It doesn't help that he's been reminding me of those fateful words everyday since. . .
Him: "Oh....were you laughing, Shanon? (my name said with a very open "a" sound) . . .because I didn't think I was THAT funny?!". . . type thing. . .
Me: "yeah. yeah. ok. (thinking to myself: "I'll torture you with a careful.")
So, Ryan has an extreme fear of socks. I kid you not. (He might be mad that I'm sharing this, but it's the best thing I've heard in years, so I couldn't help it. Plus, he's in Maryland for a couple weeks, so he can't kill me from there.) Basically, a sock hand puppet show is his version of hell (or even a random sock lying on the floor is as scary as a serpent). . .and jogging pants (another such frightening sight for him) is equivalent to the Devil himself. He is probably more quirky and random than I am. (I can't even believe I'm saying this.) if only our story hours were taped. . .or as he might say, "I'm not so sure that should be documented" So, when we have conversations, one can imagine how ridiculous and full of life and oh the questions and zanny ideas which come about. I think he is an exquisite person. He brings me joy.

3) I don't have a mousepad, so I have resorted to using random flat items as replacements. I'm not sure that I have a goal of ever getting a real mousepad. . .but, I realized lately the random things I have used have been like. . .crazy. The reason my "mousepad" changes so often is because I am always re-arranging things in my apartment and as a result, there just happens to be a new item available for good mousepadedness. . .Without further ado. . .
Here is the list of things I have used: The back of a cheap pink ring binder from CVS, a picture of me and a friend taken at a mall photo booth in 1998, Ultraviolet lyrics (Light my way) from a U2 CD Jacket, A card from a male friend who doesn't like girls and it states on the front, "If i was stuck on a deserted island with you, I would't even try to get off. . .", a wooden coaster from Walmart, Three poems that Ryan gave me, and one night when I had a couple glasses of wine. . .I used a flip flop since it was the only thing nearest to me and one tends to be less picky under those conditions. ;) My everchanging mousepad adventures bring me joy.

Here are some more joyful things as of late:

4) My mom telling me she is proud of me.
5) My brother and I sharing a love for String Theory and Quantum Physics in general.
6) Stevie Nicks and her raw, powerful voice.
7) My new apartment layout (I should take pictures.)
8) realizing that fact and truth are entirely different
9) good conversations that last in my mind and heart for days and days.
10) loving my life from the very core, despite the fact that my nose is peeling and everyone notices it.
11) Random ladies who look like Aunt Jamima and ask for a ride at the gas station, ultimately blessing my life and reminding me of what is important as we sit at an old warehouse parking lot in the middle of Frenchtown while three or more drug deals go down. . .
12) Talking to my Aunt Charmaine, my mom's baby sister, whom I haven't talked to in years and having one of the most delightful 30 minutes of commuinication I've ever experienced.
13) The movie "Away We Go"
14) Tiramasu
15) The many wonderful people in my life who love me and are brave enough to say things to make me better, both in encouragment and constructive criticism.
16) Anne Lammott books
17) Ryan Adams
18) Giving due praise to those who deserve it, letting go of what I cannot control, doing what I say I am going to do even if it really sucks.
19) dancing without restraint, butterflies that I can't get away from, a clean bathtub, closure instead of procrastination (thanks Luke), being reminded that I am a peculiar treasure and there is no need to compare myself to anyone else's success, talent or beauty. There is no one else quite like me, and we need to help each other. I hope we can all have that perspective, and maybe we'd stop fighting against each other so much.
20) The continual love, support, acceptance, humor and depth of connection which my friend Rob confirms to me on a daily basis. He is the most precious thing to me. I hope he knows it.
21) Office episodes. Best line from season 5: (after Phyllis stuffs Jesus, his manger and all the holy family into a drawer as she tells Angela (a devout Christian) that it doesn't match the Moraacan Christmas theme)
Angela to the cameras: "I will not judge her for what she did, but I do know someone who WILL judge her, and Phyllis just stuffed Him into a drawer. . ."

There is so much more, but that's all I've got for now. :)

As always,

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